Saturday, June 13, 2009

summer man.

ello ello dear blog,

yes it's been a while, once again, i think we've established that i suck with keeping in touch and blogging daily. i apologize, once again. hah. well now thats out of the way, have i told you how happy i am that the days have become warmer and everything is much greener outside and my skin is slowly tanning to a nice healthy brown? this is partially the reasoning behind my lack of blogging. since being at home i have been one busy lady. i do have some good news to share though:

- i got my first assignment since joining the alliston herald as a freelance photographer and two of my photos ended up being printed-one of them showing up on the front freakin' page of the weekend edition of the newspaper. HECK YES that is going in a frame up on my wall in my art room. muahah i was so stoked i did my happy dance when i saw it :)

- i also recieved a call back from good o'l blockbuster asking me if i was still interested in a job. so if all goes well with my references i will now have three jobs on the go. well more so two since the freelancing one will be every now and then. so the result of this if all does go well is LOTSA FREAKIN' MOOHLAHH. yessss i am so excited now because before i was a bit disapointed since basically all of my money that i will make this summer will be saved into my bank account to pay for as much of my tuition/parking fees/car insurance/gas/more photographic equipment as possible. so i was pretty bummed cause i would have no leftover money to spend on myself AKA super hipster clothing to get me out of my style rut. happy dance ? i think so!

- the past few weekends i've managed to take a zillion photos and they've all turned out pretty swell and im really happy about that. what i'm not happy about is the facebook photo uploader hating my life and not letting me upload them. eff you facebook photo uploader..

- not only have i been taking photos i have been baby sitting my beautiful nieces like every other day. i've managed to make up for some of the time that i was away at school and missed out on some of the important things in their lives. for example, i went to M's soccer tournament all day today and got to see her score her first goal of the season! i was exceptionally proud of her because you could see it on her face how happy she was. i like these kinds of moments. they make the crappy things in life non existent.

- i went to kensington market for the day with my boy. it was pretty sweet exploring all of the little vintagey shops in the market. i wouldve loved to have bought a tourqouise silver ring or a beautiful silver locket or the ridiculous amount of wooden jewellery that was being sold in the little stands but they all cost more than the 2 dollars i currently have in my bank account, hah oh well i'll hopefully get to go back at some point, with more than 2 dollars and be able to buy one.

- my momma has a week off from work this week so we're finally going to be able to repaint the house since moving in. SO that means ill get to re-paint both my bedroom and my artroom. and maybe even unpack the rest of my boxes of stuff that are still sitting in the closests. i was thinking a jewel tone purple colour with white wainscotting (sp?) on the bottom half of the walls with black furniture. and a giant wallsize cork board that will be dubbed "amanda's wall of inspiration!" PLUS i have a goal of exercising more since summer has started. i would like to lose a few inches and possibly tone up so i can feel half decent in a bathing suit this summa. we shall see how that goes though!

well that is about all that i can think of for the good news that has occured in my life so far. although my social life will probably disapear once i start working at blockbuster and earl rowe, im hoping it will all be worth it in the end.


1 comment:

llc said...


Congratulations on the photos in the Herald once again and SWEET SCORE on the blockbuster job! That's crazy and I knew you'd get it. Good luck with everything.

I couldn't help but smile when I read about M's first soccer goal--that's a special moment and it's so cute that you were there!

OH and P.S. working three/four jobs has taught me that you can meet people everywhere--not just at home lounging around so don't worry about social life! You will keep in touch with those who matter most and meet new people while you are at it!

I'm jealous that you're tanned...I was at the beginning and I lost like 12 pounds but I've been busy working so all of that tannage has gone down the drain and my eating schedules are all messed up so I am afraid to go on the scale.